Thursday, October 13, 2011


Some of Kevin's and my very first dates, were day dates. We went to breakfast to start the day, ( we both LOVE breakfast food ) and then had so many activities we wanted to do, that we just couldn't get to them all. We still haven't gotten to all of them yet!

One of our first day dates included going to get Ice cream for late breakfast,  ( one of my favorites ) and then searching for places that we could ride on Kevin's double rider go-cart.

I was sad a few years ago when Kevin sold that go-cart , to exchange it for a go-ped. A few months later, when he came home with a second go-ped that he claimed to be mine, for him and I to go on go-ped dates, I felt a little better.

Kevin mostly rides the go-ped during the times that he just can't sit in the house any longer, and he thinks we are taking too long. He then rides the go-ped outside the neighborhood. It is loud, so it is a nice little reminder that Kevin is sick of waiting for me to do my hair, or gather the kids together, and he probably feels he has done everything he can do, to help.

We go on rides side by side , on the two go-peds , every once in awhile. We would go more, but someone has to stay with the kids.

The go-ped is like a motorized skateboard, that all the neighborhood kids envy. Although it looks like a kid toy, it actually could be dangerous for kids, because even Kevin had a college friend (Mark Lensymeyer ) ride with him. Mark got too confident, and fell off it when waving hi, to the neighborhood kids that were passing by on their scooters. Mark almost went to the hospital because the fall was so bad. His wife wont let him ride the go-ped anymore.

1 comment:

  1. i'm sorry but that last sentence made me laugh! :) well the whole last paragraph really...i think its so cute and fun that you guys ride them together. you guys keep it real! i love that about you-how much you like to have fun and get out and do stuff!
