Tuesday, October 18, 2011

S.O.A.R.ing Eagel Award

I got a call from the principal at Brooke's school. She said, " I have Brooke sitting in the office with me, and she has a huge smile on her face." She explained to me that Brooke was chosen to the the S.O.A.R.ing Eagle by her teacher. Brooke was chosen for always being:
                                              Safe, Organized, Attentive, and Respectful

She then let me know that Brooke would receive her award at the assembly, the following Friday. She invited our family to come to the school and take pictures of Brooke, and help celebrate Brooke, being one of  "Baker's Best" students. 

Brooke had her picture taken by the school, and it will be displayed on a, special wall in her school where each S.O.A.Ring Eagle, for every semester, has their picture up, for all the other students to walk past everyday.

Grandma & Grandpa Pack, Daddy, and my brother's family that was visiting, all came to the assembly, to watch Brooke receive her award. It was a great feeling to see Brooke receive the recognition, that I know she deserved.

After the assembly, we celebrated by getting Brooke ice cream, with candy on top. Brook was excited all week for the assembly and promised ice cream.

Blogger wont let me change the orientation of the picture. I will have to work on it later....Sorry for now

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