Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Inspiring Sister

When we were little, one of my favorite things to do with Amy, was play school with her. I would come home from school and literally teach her everything I learned in school that day. She was doing multiplication before she was even in first grade! The crazy thing is, that she could grasp the concepts! Amy, is still one of the smartest individuals, that I have ever met in my life. When we were younger, I would take credit for Amy being the smartest student in her class, but it isn't true. I didn't give her the smarts, she was born with them! I just thought it was really neat to teach my little sister the things I was learning. Once I started gymnastics, my time with Amy was limited, but she was always right there for me, when I wanted someone to play a game with, or talk too. She most likely can not say the same thing about me, because as a teenager, I wasn't as nurturing to a little sister, as I wish I would have been. This is a regret of mine, most definitely.

I feel honored to be related to an inspiring person like Amy. No matter where Amy goes, what group, or activity she is involved in, her talents do not, go with out notice, or mention. Amy quickly catches onto everything she needs to learn. She went to BYU with a full ride scholarship, and maintained all A's to keep her scholarship, all the way to her graduation. ( I had a hard time with remotes, computers, and anything electronic, when I lived at home, because Amy just worked them all for me. ) Amy is a wonderful mother, that loves staying at home, prepares family dinners, teaches her daughter to be intelligent, like her, and puts the Gospel of Jesus Christ as her number one priority. ( Sydney would be completely capable of doing Brooke's homework. That became apparent as Sydney was correctly answering the questions, as Amy helped Brooke with her homework, when they were visiting.)

I can't imagine what childhood would have been like, without Amy. We always had fun playing in the Saint George, hotel pool. ( Our family took almost a monthly weekend trip out there for a few years. ) I will never forget before I married Kevin, when Amy and Kevin came to the office that I was working at, on Saturday mornings and they laid clothes out, across the parking lot to spell my name, for everyone in six story building, to look down and see. It actually got me fired. The only time I have ever been fired in my entire life. I will never forget when, I let Amy drive my car, before she had her licence. She ran the car, into a stop sign. We always had a blast at Disney World together. That is probably one reason, I have such special memories of Disney trips.

1 comment:

  1. what a sweet tribute to your little sis! she sounds awesome! and p.s. i'm laughing that you got fired because of that! thats hilarious! maybe not to you at the time though...but funny now, right? :)
