Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Party 2011

Halloween is a family favorite holiday in our house. Brooke even had a hard time deciding which she liked better one year, Christmas versus Halloween? Anyone who knows Brooke, knows of her intense love for anything with lots of sugar in it. How can we blame her? Her Mommy, Daddy and Grandma Pack are all guilty of the same candy addiction. Halloween is great for Brooke because she is a candy horder. I seriously find candy hidden in every crevis of Brooke's room. She told me once she hides her candy so she can't see it, and want it all the time.

We had our third annual kids Halloween party while my brother's family was visiting. We had a great time! We ate my home-made chili for dinner, and then let the fun begin with Halloween music and dancing, pin the tail on the cat, and pinata ( thanks to Grandma ) and ended with Kevin's famous magic act.

Kevin has been practicing this magic act for three years! It really is getting better every time. He had a couple new tricks this year, thanks to a magic video that Grandpa Pack got him as a souvineer, when in Tennessee.

                                                       Will was a hamburger for the night.
                          Our scary spider entrance gets everyone creeped out that comes to our door

We decided that pin the tail on the cat was rigged by Kevin, who knew the kids could kind of see out the glasses

Will thought it was hilarous that we were all hitting a pumpkin. If you want to talk about Halloween being scary...We were all scared when we realized that Kevin was letting the kids use his extending steel baton to hit the pinata. Thank goodness we realized before it was Will's turn. He used a light saver.

                                                  Tru was thoughful about hitting the pinata

                                                     A magician always needs voltunteers

                                            Will was picking up the Magic skills from his Dad
                                                            We were all very attentive ;)

                                                            dry ice potion is always fun!
.                              Luckily I am well aquainted with Halloween parties, after three years

1 comment:

  1. i love that kevin does a magic show-how fun for the kids!! and thats the cutest hamburger i've ever seen! :) happy halloween!!
