Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pumpkin People

Brooke, and Sydney did a fun craft with pumpkins. Will was really excited about the Pumpkins, but he was too young to help, so Grandpa took him for a walk outside, while Brooke and I made our pumpkin person.

After we made the pumpkin people, Will and Grandpa came back to help with carving. Will said " Whooo " as he was able to look inside the pumpkin and stick his hand in it.

Brooke and Sydney, had so much fun playing together while she was here. They gave each other presents, and lots of hugs. Brooke cried when Sydney was gone the next day.

1 comment:

  1. those pumpkin people are even cuter in person! :) i saw them when i walked up to your porch-super adorable.
