Thursday, November 22, 2012

Amy comes from Alaska

My little sister Amy and I have a lot of fun memories. One of the funniest memories I have about Amy is when I let her drive my Toyota Camry when she was about to enter Drivers Ed. We went up to an elementary school parking lot. I have always viewed Amy as invincible to any challenge because she has always been so smart and responsible. Amy is four years younger than I am, but even when she was little she understood any concept I tried to teach her. I taught her multiplication at age five and she grasped it. I really had no expectations of what happened , to happen. Amy pushed on the gas full speed, accidentally jumped the car up a curb and ran right into a stop sign. Of course we were both screaming at the top of our lungs. In her defense it was the first time she had ever been in the driver seat of a car and the only explanation I gave her was where the gas and breaks were.

            Amy has loved me even when I wasn't an easy person to love. When I met Kevin she immediately was interested in getting to know him and she even would hang out with just him if I was working. Amy is an amazing Mother whom teaches her children with patience and she makes the best of every situation she is in. She loves to hike in the mountains of Alaska, where she lives. She takes on new challenges like selling Pampered Chef and doing Triathlons. I am lucky to be related to someone so neat!

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