Monday, November 5, 2012

Ready Set Sail

Our long awaited Turano family trip to Mexico was finally here this October. We had a few cold days (for Texas), that lead  up to our sunny and warm Mexico trip. That cold air made us even more excited to catch some sun before the cold months we dread, in our family....We were up and awake at 5am, ready to head to Galveston, Texas where the Triumph cruise ship would be waiting for us. We had a caravan of four cars as we drove. It was obvious that everyone was eager to see if their family would get there first. This was probably only the second time in seven years that our family only had one stop on a road trip. Normally Kevin likes to stop every forty min. But he had his family corralling him to the water...

When we pulled up to this boat. Brooke and Will became very excited! I said, " Do you see the boat Will? " He said, " It is airplane boat! " and that is what he called it our entire trip. You couldn't just call it the ship...he would correct you and say it was an airplane boat.

 Of course the Disney cruise was parked next to it and we did have to wish and fantasize being on that one...  as Will kept saying, " My Mickey, my Mickey! "

Aunt Doreen ordered us all these pretty blue shirts that said Turano family cruise on them. We never did get a pic with us all in them...But it is nice to remember the trip when we wear our shirts...

1 comment:

  1. so fun! i'm jealous!!!! :) the shirts are such a cute idea-love em!
