Friday, November 16, 2012

The Dragon Tiger


When I was pregnant with Brooke, Kevin took me to a Tiger Rescue. We both love seeing all things animal...So we made the forty min drive to check this rescue our. We had fun talking to the owners ( husband and wife ) about why they decided to open a rescue and what kind of work it took...

           We seem to have a way with animal keepers because they always offer to let us in the cages with the animals. I think they get excited when they meet people who find their work fascinating. So as the owner got inside the cage with two beautiful full grown tigers, to show us they were harmless, suddenly one of the female tigers came to the edge of the cage and intently looked at me...then turned around and peed right on me! The funny part is that the owner lady jumped in front of the tiger to catch the pee for me! It was so nice of her! She said that the female tiger could sense I was a female and viewed me as a threat. I do not know if I believed her, but I was thankful that I only got a little spray of pee, rather than soaking in tiger she was.

After that experience my fantasies of getting in a cage with the tigers kind of died down...
But I still really want to pet one some time...In fact when we were at the Circus a few weeks before the cruise, the circus animal keeper let me get up close and personal with a White Tiger. He took me into the back where the tiger was caged and let me pet the tiger through the cage.

I don't think tigers like me because the white tiger started hissing at me and I quickly jumped away from the cage.

You might think I had enough with tigers after these two events, but it's not true....

I was beyond ecstatic when Jeff ( Kevin's brother ) quickly came over to Kevin and I in Progresso as we were headed back to the ship, after swimming at the beach. Jeff told us that there was a guy letting people hold a tiger outside. I didn't care that he was also telling us that he saw one guy getting bit by the tiger on his jugular vein in his neck...I was rushing to see the baby tiger.

Will refused to call these guys anything related to the cat family. He insisted they were dragons. He kept saying, " I wanna pet the dragon. " It was so funny, but we couldn't let him near one...he would grab the fur hard and get bit in the face or something like that.

I did trust Brooke, and although she didn't want to hold the tiger she did enjoy petting it. They said these were four month old babies and I actually did hold one. I can't find the picture....I think Kevin hid it somewhere to black mail me later, because I was slightly screaming when the tiger growled at me and he was in my arms.


                                                                  Jeff's daughter Sophia 
                                                                  Four Months Old

                                                     Random guy playing Mexican music

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