Thursday, November 22, 2012

Dinner Celebration

So they had this parade at dinner one night where anyone who wanted could walk around the dinning room to music and swing their napkins around. Will stood up immediately to be part of this parade when he saw everyone swinging their napkins to the music. It was funny and not surprising at all because Will loves music and dancing.

  Will wont remember being so little that his cousins Lexi and Sophi could carry him....                                        

                                        Lydia took the time to curl Brooke's hair for dinner one night.

                            Lydia gives Brooke the attention that she wants from her cousins. Brooke asks me when she will be as big as Lydia all the time. Brooke knows Lydia makes perfect grades in school and Brooke wants to be just like her when she is older.

           Uncle Jeff ate frog legs for dinner one night. I attribute that to him being sick the entire next day!

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