Saturday, November 10, 2012

Progresso Beach

With all of our adventures, it is hard to believe it took Brooke six years to make it to a real beach, and wade in some real ocean waves. It was a wonderful day for Kevin and I to finally share the beauty of the ocean with our kids, and actually it was the first time that Kevin and I had been to the beach together as well!

             As we got off the cruise ship in Progresso, we could hardly keep our eyes open. I pointed out to Brooke why the crayon named Ocean Blue, was named Ocean Blue....She smiled and said, " Oh yah, now I see why!" The ocean was so pretty and the sun was so bright...the kids felt cool in their sunglasses that they finally knew now, why sunglasses were invented. As we took a short bus ride to the beach geared up in our swimsuits, and ready to go we saw lots of very run down shack like houses...We had been talking to Brooke about how blessed we are to live in the USA for so long and it was time to show her why, as she could look out the window and see it. I said, " Brooke these are the houses these people live in. Do you see how the kids don't even have a yard with grass to play in. Do you see how dirty everything is here? " She didn't seem surprised...I guess I had given her so many mental pictures already, that she had already imagined this type of neighborhood.
As we go onto the beach Brooke acted like she had discovered pure gold. She was frantically running around collecting every sea shell she could see on the beach. And trust me there were millions in plain sight! She was in sea shell heaven.

Will could have played for a whole week in the sand. He really was having a was so fun to watch him! At one point Will stripped down to just his diaper and ran at full speed down the ocean shore. It was adorable to see him enjoy feeling free and careless on the beach...

And She is proud of every single sea shell she found...
Lydia is always Brooke's special cousin, whom makes her feel loved...

Yes, we were feeding the seagulls. We probably are the only people in the world who would want to feed seagulls while at the beach....

 Will had so much fun at the beach that he fell straight to sleep in Kevin's arms as we waited for the bus to pick us up and go back to the cruise ship.

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