Friday, November 9, 2012

Four Course Meals

Kevin thought Will's toy would be a nice prop in our pic. You know what, I don't care if the cheetah joined our made Kevin smile ;)
The dinners on the cruise were wonderful! How can you argue dessert that is already included in the price, every night? Brooke was thrilled about it anyways. Weeks leading up to the cruise when she would ask for treats so many times a night, we would tell her a few weeks you can have your dessert every night on our special family trip, and you don't even have to ask us...okay?

With Will's allergy needs, we were slightly anticipating chaos at the dinning room dinners. We were wrong to expect chaos. It was very relaxing to have a break from making separate meals for my family. We brought all of Will's food in coolers with us and we were able to meet with the chef personally, and let him know how to cook this food and at what times that we would be eating. It really was part of the relaxation I received on our amazing trip.

                                  Uncle Jeff, Cousin Dominic, Grandpa Turano, Will and Daddy
                   Will loved that little silver lid that went on top of the butter...He loved it so much our waitor said he could take it to the room a few nights. Well he probably just didn't want to hear Will cry when I was taking it away.
                                                   Grandma Turano, and Brooke 6 yrs old
         Sophia, Grandma Dorothy, Doreen, Brooke, Alaina, Alexa, Lydia, Dominic, Jeff, Tricia, Kevin, Will, Grandpa William

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