Thursday, November 29, 2012

Holiness to the Lord

This Thanksgiving we had a lot to be thankful for, just like all of our Thanksgivings. The
best things about it is always seeing family. This year we had a wonderful visit with Alida,(Grandma from Guatemala) here to visit us, and Aunt Audrey's family as well. The most special thing was when I got the chance to visit the Dallas temple with my Grandmother and Mother. It was the first time that I had been to the temple with family, since I have been back.

When I enter the holy temple of the Lord, I feel a sensation like nothing else can produce. The feeling is of perfect peace even with troubles sometimes in my mind. I feel as if the Lord himself is wrapping his arms around me, and I feel as if i am finally at home again. There isn't a place in the world that I feel more comfortable in, and to be in such a holy place with people that I love, was such an uplifting evening for me.

I firmly believe that it is necessary for one to be worthy to enter the temple because it produces an environment where the spirit of the Lord can flow freely and if needs be, he could enter the temples we have built for him, more than any other places in the world.

When you enter the temple all worldly cares are left behind and life's purposes are crystal clear . worries and problems are put in perspective with Heavenly Father's plan, giving you guidance.

I am thankful for temples and I cant wait to take my children there.

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