Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kevin has taught me

              Kevin introduced me to my favorite quote by Helen Keller. It is his favorite quote and he has it on a paper taped up to the bathroom mirror where he can see it everyday...

                                                     " Life is a daring adventure, or nothing "

Kevin has taught me through example what it means to be a good friend. One day when I asked Kevin how in the world he has so many friends, he said, " Well you can't always have a long talk with some one, because everyone gets very busy, but one thing that I try and do is go through my phone list on my way home from work and just dial someone from my contacts everyday."  He makes it a habit, that way his friends can know that he at least made some time to give them a call. I really started doing that when he told me about it, but I did it in a different way... I look through my phone many times before I say my prayers and make sure I am not forgetting some one that needed prayers.

Kevin taught me that breakfast doesn't have to be a breakfast food. He has requested spaghetti for breakfast many times in our marriage. My favorite memory of this is when we eat ice cream out of the tub together, just two spoons, cookies and cream and a smile on my face.

Kevin has taught me to never give up on some thing that you really believe in. He makes an effort to teach this to our children as well. He tells them they are capable of doing anything they want and if you don't give up, eventually you will succeed. He has proven this with his business in many instances.

Kevin firmly believes in respecting your elders and has taught me that some times it isn't worth it to try and change the opinion of some one that you love, that will some day no longer be alive with you.

Speaking of death Kevin was the first one who told me that I should live my life like I was going to die that day, every day...It wasn't until I really did think I was going to die that I grasped this concept.

Kevin has shown me what loyalty is. There have been times when I have seen many people, including myself treat Kevin in a way that would upset some people terribly. Kevin always gives people the benefit of the doubt and he remains friends with them.

Kevin has taught me how important it is to show love to your Ggrandparents.Kevin understands that one little thing you can do for them can show a lot of love and he tries to do that regularly.


                                                 Happy Birthday to a wonderful man :)))))

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