Thursday, November 29, 2012

Aunt Audrey comes for Thanksgiving

                        Fawn, Isabel, Audrey, Brooke, Great Grandma Escobar, Grandma Pack and Mom

                                         Aunt Audrey always makes me feel special the way that she makes it priority to come visit us in Texas every year. Audrey many times has packed up her four children in the van and drives two days alone, to see us. Uncle Bryant being an Internal Medicine doctor, it is always hard for him to get off of work. When Audrey arrives she never once complain about how hard the drive was. She has a smile on her face and big sweet hug. Seeing Aunt Audrey is one of my most favorite things to do in the world. She is one of my best friends, after all. This Thanksgiving Audrey wanted to come see us so bad, but she just had surgery on her eyes, so she can't see at night at all. It isn't suprising to me that a friend of hers offered to drive her all the way here, and that's just what her friend did. She drove Audrey here and got on a plane and went back to SanAntonio, where she is lives. It doesn't suprise me that Audrey has a friend whom would do that, because Audrey is the nicest person I have ever met, and that means she deserves a lot of niceness in return. It was really good to see Uncle Bryant finally, since it has been two-years. He flew in on a plane and drove the family home when they left.
Brooke snuck in the pic
                                                            Hyrum, Grandpa Pack and Eli

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