Sunday, May 22, 2011


My childhood, and very best friend came to visit last week. There are defining moments in your childhood that make you, who you are. Erin was by my side through many of these moments. When I got to Taylorsville High, many people made the comment, that they thought that I had transferred into the school, and they didn't even know I was in their class because I was always hanging around the Juniors and Seniors at school. There is a reason for this, and her name is ERIN LEE. Well not so much the Lee, now that she is married. Erin and I were a duo, Siamese twins, or like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. I met Erin in gymnastics fifteen years ago, and it happened to be very lucky that we would go to the same High school. Erin and I had the most fun of anyone I know, in high school. We even had a class where we were Student Aids of the swim team. The Coach didn't really need us. Our job ended up being " door watchers" of the Girls Locker Room, that was already locked. Not to mention, the weight room was right beside the locker room. We met everyone and anyone who would lift weights during that period.

A true story that I will be telling until I die, comes from one day when Erin and I decided we would go running one afternoon. We had never ran before, so this was pretty unusual. It started pouring rain about ten min. into the run and we decided to just head to some friends houses and wait for it to stop. We jumped a fence in order to do this. Suddenly, we heard a strange noise. Unlike any noise you would expect to hear, when sneaking into someones yard. "Baaa, Baaa, Baaa," it said. Suddenly we were being chased by a big, nappy, grey colored sheep! YES, a sheep was chasing us! Not only was it chasing us, it was trying to head butt us into the canal that was right next to us. This is not an exaggeration. This sheep was ramming its head into Erin, because I had been using self-defense selfishness, by pushing her out of the way, so that I could get further from the sheep. We finally did make our way to another fence of the neighbor's. We jumped it before any further damage could be done. Our damage ended up being, that the friends we were going to visit, just so happened to be outside, watching this whole thing with the screaming, and chasing by a sheep go down. We never heard the end of that story of Erin Lee and Emily in their running shorts, and tennis shoes ( thank goodness I wasn't in my heels. Yes, I did wear them starting at age thirteen) being chased by Willy Dinkle's pet sheep. Yes, I did just say, Willy Dinkle. That was the name of the kid's yard we had jumped into. If you don't believe his name, you can look in my yearbook. From that time forward Erin and I declared sheep to be evil. Kevin has made a few calls in the past six years, and he still can not find someone who will let me come to their farm, and shave their sheep, just because I think it would be funny.

Brooke, Will and I had a great time with Erin, and seven month old baby Bennett in Texas this week. It was so neat to meet baby Bennett and to see how incredible of a Mother, that my childhood friend had become. We enjoyed getting glitter toes done at home while the babies napped. We went to lunch with my Mom one day. Our shopping trips weren't very successful with the kids, but we stayed up shopping online and watching chick-flicks after the kiddos were asleep. It is as if, I never left Utah, when we are together. Best friends never feel the difference of miles they live apart, when they are together.


  1. So sweet! I love childhood friends. And keeping in touch is so cool - glad you were able to get together with her!

    p.s. is she your mustard friend?!?

  2. Glad you had a fun time with your friend. One of my favorite things to do when I go to Utah is visit my best friend from h.s.

  3. finally, i am able to comment today! for some reason the past two days, my computer kept crashing when i'd try to comment on your blog! frustrating!!! but its working today-yea!

    anyways, what i wrote a few days ago: so glad you got to spend time with your bff!! and how fun that you both have baby boys!! its so rejuvenating to hang out with an old buddy-makes you feel young again :)

  4. Yes, I am her "mustard friend" - LOL

    Thanks again Emily for an amazing time! I already miss you tons!
