Friday, May 13, 2011

Emily's 28th Birthday Bash

Every once in awhile, but not often at all, life suddenly surprises you with a gift of friendship. This friendship could not be replaced by anything, or anyone. It is as if God, himself is watching you, knowing exactly what kind of a friend you need, to help in your journey, of becoming the you, that you always wanted to be.

My cherished friend Holly Duenas is the queen planner of birthdays, baby showers, girls nights, any celebration of any sort. You name it, she is the master mind behind it all. If the word fun was even whispered, Holly was there.
Last year, Holly had a get together for my birthday set up at La Madeline. It was fun. I got lots of advise about my upcoming delivery of Will. It was also great that Holly too was pregnant.

This year Holly, with some help from Amanda Drysdale , hosted a birthday party for me in her home. This may not seem like a hard task, for an almost weekly party planner. But for a mother of four, ( one still a nursing baby ) and having her house on the market to sell, I was well aware, extremely impressed and grateful for the thought and time that went into creating such a fun party for solely, mua.

Holly even encouraged me to invite my friends, that she did not know, when I asked how she felt about it. It was so amazing to have all of my friends in one room. Holly had everyone sing Happy Birthday to me, around the cupcakes that she made. I felt like a kid, it was awesome! She had " The Emily Quiz " that everyone took. Joy Roberts got the most questions right. Seven out of nine. We ate yummy food that everyone brought to share. We had delicious homemade punch. That is right, no alcohol involved. My margarita friends survived just great. I got a few text messages that they had lots of fun ;) I really appreciated it...

Holly has a great sense of humor. Here is the multiple choice " The Emily quiz" :

What was her first job?

A. bear stuffer at build a bear

B. nursing home attendant

C. perfume model

D. Hostess at Chili's

Where is the favorite place she has lived or traveled to?

A. The alley behind Big Lots

B. France

C. Disney World

D. New York

What was the first car she drove?

A. Toyota Camry

B. Barbie Jeep

C. VW Bug

D. Truck

When did she first kiss a boy?

A. Kindergarten B. Age 14
C. Age 8
D. She's never kissed a boy

What color was her prom dress?
A. Pale Yellow
B. Red and white polka dot with pink ribbons and yellow bows
C. She doesn't remember, she was drunk
D. Burgundy

What is her favorite snack food?
A. Fresh fruit
B. Rare steak

D. Anything chocolate

What is her favorite color
A. silver
B. Red
C. Pink
D. She prefers white: the absence of color

What did she want to be when she grew up?
A. Mother
B. Model
C. Author
D. Vet
E. All of the above

What is her most embarrassing moment?
A. When someone caught her picking her nose and eating her boogers last Sunday at church.
B. When she was on the winner stand at a gymnastics meet taking first place and a little girl ran up to her and told her there was a string hanging from her crotch. And there was. A tampon string.
C. When she fell down the escalators at the mall because her high heel slid on one of the steps D. During a model shoot a few years back, a nursing pad fell out of her bra and onto the floor.

It was so much fun!!!!!!!!!!! I am blessed to have so many wonderful women in my life. I left feeling loved, and appreciated. I am already thinking up ideas for Holly's August birthday in my head.....

Here are the answers: B, C, A, B, A, D, C, E, B


  1. Okay, I can't figure out the layout of the quiz and getting it all the same. I must be really tired.....I guess I will come back to the layout later.

  2. oh my goodness emily! this post was the sweetest! it made my day!! you too are a cherished friend that i feel so blessed to know! it was fun throwing the party with amanda for you-you deserved a night all about you!!! i'm glad you had fun and your friends did too(i have to admit i was worried they wouldn't have fun and would think i was lame!! :)

    i'm so grateful to amanda for introducing us that day at mcdonalds last year! :) i can't believe all those years passed by us at church and we never officially met. we have very quickly become such great friends and i hope to make up for lost time:) i love how much we have in common. you are awesome! love ya!

  3. That was such fun party. The Emily quiz was great. I got to know some new things about you. :)
