Saturday, May 28, 2011

Home sweet Home

Brooke was so excited the day her Daddy would come home from Puerto Rico. She kept asking me all day if we could have a party for him. I agreed. Brooke loves playing that we are having our own family party. What is a party without something sweet, right? So Brooke and I made mint chocolate chip cookies. Mint is one of Kevin's favorite flavors. About an hour before Kevin would come home, Brooke totally changed her mind about the party. She said, " Mommy, Daddy didn't get to go to church on Sunday, so lets have our family lesson tonight." I am so proud of Brooke that her testimony is so strong. Brooke loves the gospel of Jesus Christ. Brooke's sweet spirit motivates me to be a better person everyday. I quickly agreed to her new request. We had a short lesson on prayer, and we talked about how we need to make sure we are having personal prayer, besides our family prayer. It is in our personal prayer that we can especially think about how we are living our lives, and repent and say we are sorry. Because just thinking you are sorry, is not enough. We hunted in the backyard for some prayer rocks for each of us to keep in a special place to help us remember to say our personal prayers. Brooke's little whisperings, in her own prayer are so precious. I don't listen all the time, but on occasion I hear her say," Thank you that I have a Mommy and Daddy, and thank you that I am a big sister. Please help that I can dream about unicorns and flowers. " It was a sweet homecoming, that ended with playing records and dancing, like always. Brooke is such a Daddy's girl.

1 comment:

  1. that last picture is precious...brooke is such a sweet little girl!! tell her i pray to dream about unicorns too :) sounds like kevin had a great homecoming! and mint chocolate chip cookies are the best!
