Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I should bet, that I will, not win the bet ......

Something silly that Kevin and I do almost on a weekly basis is make bets with each other. Bets about everything. Who can get to the car the fastest, or if we can beat a certain time in the grocery store, who did the voice in a cartoon, what other movie was this actor in, etc.
I never win any of these bets, except the ones about whether or not I can find a lost item in my diaper bag or car, that Kevin could not find. Occasionally, I will win ones about certain actors and their age, or movie they played in. Other than that , Kevin wins every single bet that we make. So I end up making desserts like pudding, or giving a foot massage, very often. I am not sure why I keep making the bets, because I am usually the instigator. I guess, my competitive side is a little too much for my own good.
We love this restaurant Hoffbraugh House. We have named it one of our top places to eat. They make these fresh potato chips that are to die for. Kevin and I have made it a tradition to go there at least once a year, and pig out on these chips. Kevin has challenged me many times to see if I could make them. When I lost a bet, I ended up making them last night. Well actually Kevin ended up taking over, while I put the kids to bed, but I got everything prepared. I had lost a bet,and this was the request. This is a picture of the chips we made last night, and also some pics of us actually at Hoffbraugh House for the Kevintines year, before I was pregnant with Will. Ask Kevin, he keeps purposely tricking me about what year it is....

1 comment:

  1. you guys sound like us :) we are always betting...but our prize is a backrub:) i win most of the time so i get lots of backrubs! whahahaha. we always say, "i bet you five minutes!"(which means a five minute massage:)
