Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Puerto Rico with Mark

Mark Mahnsing has been a friend of Kevin's for about nineteen years. The exciting things that Kevin has done with Mark are endless. Just a few off the top of my head are, when they went to Sanfransico together for a completely unplanned, random trip. Mark called Kevin and said, " I have got a group together of people and we are all going to Sanfransico in about an hour. " They only went with carry on bags, and they only stayed for one night. They also once worked at extras on a movie set, where they had to stand in freezing cold rain with strange armor like clothing on, because they were filming a war scene. Once they tried out to be Stunt Men for Disney World and Kevin even made it to the final cut! They went on a trip to the Dominican Republic three years ago, fully paid by Marks job at the time. When Mark found out that Kevin was getting married, even though it was a family only wedding and he had two days notice, he insisted on coming to the wedding. It was great to have Mark there. Since Mark had been a Pastor, he even spoke a few words about marriage.
This year when Mark had a fully paid trip to Puerto Rico, he asked Kevin to go with him. They stayed at a five star Golf Resort. Kevin has been known to jump in pools with his phone, and loose almost every expensive item he has because of some impulsive action, so he did not bring any camera, except a disposable one. I wasn't as surprised, as you would think I would be when Kevin showed me the pictures he had taken on his phone. There were two of a stray cat, one of an old building in downtown Puerto Rico, and one of a discusting looking fish meal that Mark was eating for dinner. I heard the resort was beautiful, but we don't have pictures to prove it, which is just fine with me. ;) I liked seeing the pictures of the stray cats.
Mark and Kevin did an excursion everyday. They went kayaking in the ocean to see glowing organisms in the water. Kevin said it was like in Avatar, for real. They went four-wheeling in the jungle, and both Mark and Kevin got warnings that they were going to be kicked off the four-wheelers if they kept being so dangerous. Kevin calmed down after two warnings, and Mark eventually got kicked off. When Kevin told me he was going diving in a cave with a waterfall, I felt envious of Mark that he would have such a romantic experience with Kevin. When Kevin described the experience, I wasn't so envious anymore. Kevin said that they had to repel into a pitch black cave and when they got to the bottom there were spiders, crabs and bats everywhere. They even had to eat their lunch in there. They had to get in gross water and go threw tiny spaces to get to the exit of the cave. The guide explained many rules that came from experience with someone falling off a waterfall in this excursion and dying. The only pictures Kevin took with his disposable camera were of the cave experience. So those are the pictures. Last time in the Dominican Republic Kevin and Mark held a nurse shark in the ocean. They actually lifted it up together out of the water. This time Mark got malled by a wild iguana they saw crawling around.

More to come about what Kevin brought home for us on his trip......

1 comment:

  1. i love hearing these stories about your husband emily-he is crazy!(in a good way:) i can't believe he was almost a stuntman. you will never have a boring life, thats for sure!
