Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Mother

May is an incredibly busy month, so I have lots to write about. I must write a tribute to one of the most influential persons in my life.

My Mother

My Mother is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I think that my Mother is so beautiful in fact, that many of her other amazing qualities have been over-looked in her life, by acquaintances. Even some that may know her, more than the average person, may only see the incredibly fit, young looking mother, that seems to be a Wonder Woman, when it comes to looking perfect all the time. But, there is so much more to my Mother. One of the things that my Mom taught me through example, is that if you want something in your life, you just have to go get it. My Mom is one of the hardest working people I know. She has great work ethic. Although, she struggles to get to many places on time. You would rarely catch my Mom late for work.

A most memorable tradition with my Mom comes once a year, with the Nordstroms Half Yearly Sale. My Mother is so giving, with even the things that give her joy. She would use gift cards friends had given her, money that she worked hard for, and of course the normal amount of money that my Dad had set aside for our school clothes. We woke up early every year to be the first at Nordstroms, when The Half Yearly Sale was here. About a month before the new school year would start again.

My Mother has un-wavering faith in prayer. There are countless text messages sent," Please pray for ___________, they need extra prayers." If there was a record kept of all the prayers said, I know for sure, that my Mothers would be one of the longest. A sweet memory is finding her on her knees, by bedside because she received a phone call from a sibling in need.

My Mother has a great sense of humor. This is one of Kevin's favorite qualities, that he mentions frequently about my Mother.

She forgives easily. I can be in an argument with my Mom, and very shortly after, we can be enjoying time together, like nothing happened.

Things I enjoyed doing with my Mom as a a child are going to her cycling classes, and watching how inspiring she is to so many people. She really knows how to help people work their body, to it's limit. On vacations when there wasn't a gym, my Mom and I would run on the road together. We have even had a scary person stop and get out the car, to see if we needed a ride. Don't worry, we can run fast.

My Mom has been there by my side, my whole life. She is a best friend. She listens if I need to talk. She is always fun to be around. She is a wonderful Grandmother. She loves teaching her Grandchildren, by reading them books and helping them discover the world.

My Mother's testimony of the Atonement of Christ, is probably the best thing she could have ever given her children. The traditions of reading the Christmas story, watching the Easter story video Of Christ, every Easter, and the times she encouraged our family to find families during Christmas who were in need, instead of getting as many presents for ourselves; These things have made me the person that I am.

My beautiful Mother, is beautiful on the inside and out. I love her dearly.


  1. what a sweet tribute to your mom!

  2. beautiful post about your mom. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's day!
