Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Come find me

One day, before Kevin and I had Brooke, I came home to find a paper on the counter that said, " Come find me." I looked everywhere, under the bed, in closets, and even went to look outside to see if in fact, Kevin's car was outside. It was. It wasn't until I found all of the food from the fridge, in one of the highest kitchen cabinets, that I found him in the fridge. ( Kids do not try this at home ) I couldn't believe that Kevin actually fit in the fridge! Kevin thinks that he is a professional at hide and seek. Now that we have Brooke, one of her favorite games is Hide and Seek. All the giggling and excitement is so cute as we take turns hiding with her, while the other one counts and carries Will along, to find her. kevin has been working a little extra trying to meet new sales goals. We have only had fifteen min. to half an hour lately, at night, to play. His work is paying off, however. His sales team is hitting their goals.

Hide and Seek has been the choice of play lately. I thought for a min. last week that Kevin had decided to watch the news or water his garden, when he was supposed to be finding Brooke and myself, but I still kept hearing doors open and he actually started saying, " Okay, I really can't find you. " At that point, Brooke and I started calling out animal noises softer and getting louder and louder until he could find us. Kevin still thinks he is better at hide and seek, than I am. I totally have the advantage though.... He can't fit in the spaces with Brooke, that I can! We will be having a re-match later.


  1. i still can't believe he was hiding in the fridge! that is a riot!!! still laughing...

    we always play hide and seek with the kids. probably the best game. ever. i love your hiding spot emily(and brooke!) how did you get up there? awesome.

  2. my boys love playing hide and seek and we love playing with them too. great hiding spot!
