Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Field Day

I find it such a privilege to stay at home with my children. I know there are many women, because of financial choices, or financial circumstances, they just can not stay at home with their children. Every moment with a child, is a teaching moment. The things they hear you say. The way they see you treat people. The attitude you have. What they see you make a priority. Even the way you dress. These are the formative years of my children. What a blessing that I can be their most influential teacher.

I have really enjoyed being at all of Brook'es special days at school this year. It is so neat that since Kevin works so close to Brooke's preschool, he too came for almost all of her daytime programs. In example; Pet Day, Holiday Parties, Texas Hoe down etc. The last event before preschool graduation that we had, was Field Day. There were so many kids that wanted their face painted. Short on time, I got to use my artistic skills and help the teachers paint faces. Will doesn't mind being passed around a little. Brooke got soaking wet before I painted her face. Good thing, or she would have cried about her butterfly on her face getting messed up.

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