Thursday, May 5, 2011

Never judge a man, by the car he drives. ITS OUR SIX YEAR WEDDDING ANNIVERSARY

Seven years ago I worked at Sage Telecom as a Sales Quality Analyst. The office that I worked in, was only three blocks away from the townhouse that Kevin was living in at the time. Everyday Kevin and I would drive the down the same road going opposite directions, as he was headed to McKinney, and I into Allen. The first Honda, Element to appear in Allen, Tx was an orange one, and it was always parked in this Target parking lot. The second Honda, Element to appear in Allen, I drove past it, going opposite direction, almost everyday. I remember the very first time I saw the grey Element start showing up, in Allen. I was on my way to lunch with friends, and I actually made a comment, with the biggest bite back, that you could ever imagine. I said, " Whoever bought that car, has to be the dumbest person ever." I thought this new body style of car was very ugly. The joke is on me, because I ended up marrying him, and I ended up making great memories in that car.

I actually had my first phone call with Kevin on Oct.23rd 2004, when I called into his office to get an interview for a job. The interview was exceptionally long. I just couldn't figure out why Kevin could not explain to me what his job was, what he did? Who was his boss? You see one of my favorite things to do when I work for a company, is to decide how quickly I can get a promotion. I love to understand how everything works in a company. It gives me more incite on how I can get to the top. It was the strangest interview that I think that, both of us have ever had. I guess I got my promotion very quickly, when I ended up marrying, the owner about six months later.

There were two very crucial things about my dying to spend every moment that I could with Kevin. First, was that when I went to his apartment for the first time, he had very little, to no, furniture. Kevin had an art table and cartoons posted around the room, a Foosball table, a futon, and bed. You would think normally that would scare a girl. It was at that moment, that I knew that I had found someone golden. It was very easy to see that Kevin did not place a high value on material things. Kevin's passion for having fun, his friends and family became apparent almost immediately. The second crucial item left me feeling comfortable enough to sit on Kevin's counter and hangout all night. Call it dangerous, naive, or whatever you want, but I call it fate. It was the book, A purpose Driven Life. He had it sitting on his table all the time. I found out later, it was a gift from his Mom, and he actually never even read the whole book. Even if he never read the book, I learned quickly that Kevin did know what he wanted his purpose in life to be, and he was a hard enough working person to have it. A friend of Kevin's from college, hung out with Kevin only three days after the interview that Kevin and I had. She told me, that he mentioned more than once, this girl that was going to work at his office, that he was going to marry.

A few months after that Christmas, I was really not enjoying working at Nordstroms. Kevin just asked me, "Emily, what is it that you really want to do with your life?" My answer was, that there was no job that could be more important to me, as raising children at home. It was at that point that, although we both felt like we were already married. ( We spent every moment together). We knew we should get married, and that is just what we did. Kevin used to want to have six children, when he was younger. Three weeks after our Disney World Honey Moon, I became pregnant with Brooke.

Everyday, I cherish the fact that I get to spend my life with my best best friend. I know it is a blessing, and a privlidge to be with someone as dedicated to love, fun, and family as my husband.


  1. Wow, congrats!!! You and Kevin are perfect for eachother! I'm so happy for you.

  2. you two are so cute! i loved reading about how you met:) hope you had a wonderful anniversary!

  3. Happy Anniversary! I loved looking at your wedding pictures and reading about how you two met.
