Thursday, June 2, 2011

Little Saints Preschool Graduation

One of the only times I have ever seen Brooke sad to go to school was last week. She knew it would be the day she would graduate from Little Saints Preschool and it would be the last time she would ever go to school there. Brooke has had the same teacher Mrs.Cori for the past two-years at Little Saints. Mrs.Cori has made it very clear to me on many occassions that Brooke has been one of the most delightful children that she has every taught, and I do not take that comment lightly since Mrs. Cori has been teaching at Little Saints for over eightteen years! One of Mrs.Cori's favorite things about Brooke, that she mentioned is how Brooke can play with both boys and girls. How she can be a princess, but can still wrestle around with the boys. She says that Brooke wont let anyone push her around, but she is very sweet at the same time. A comment I will not forget that she mentioned about Brooke is, that Brooke understands concepts that she has never seen one of her preschool students understand. It was such a sad day for all three of myself, Mrs.Cori and Brooke, when Brooke walked to the graduation stand. In fact, all three of us were in tears. Brooke actually was uncontrolably crying when it was almost her turn to give Mrs.Cori a hug good-bye. All the kids were asking what was wrong with Brooke, since they had never seen her cry unless she fell and got hurt. We were the last ones to leave the school and we did get Mrs.Cori's phone number and we plan to go visit her. We are hoping she will still be around when Will gets to preschool.

Mrs.Cori wrote somethings about everyone in Brooke's class. This is what she said about Brooke. " Brooke- It is beauty and brains that our Brooke can boast, but it is her laughter I have come to love most. " I couldn't hardly get Brooke to smile for pictures, so that is the reason the pictures are not very good.

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