Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Forever and no matter what" Happy Father's Day

The best way to describe the Father of my children, is by comparing him to the sun. Kevin is the sunshine in our world. It is so true, that we are all happier when he is around. But even when Kevin isn't physically with Brooke, Will and me, because of being at work, my children feel the affects of his astonishing efforts as a husband and a Father, during every moment of their lives. The effort Kevin puts into our marriage, nourishing it, with the things a marriage needs, gives me the strength and inspiration that I need, in order to be the best Mother that I try to be. Kevin is a good provider, and he sets the example of hard work to our children. When he walks in the door from work, even though he is exhausted, you will see Kevin playing with the kids, unloading the dishwasher if I haven't gotten to it, and teaching by answering questions. Although I know sometimes he probably just feels like taking a nap, or riding his go-ped, he is right there with us, ready to play and more than willing to help with whatever it is that I need to take care of the kids. Because of his actions, my children will never wonder if their Dad enjoyed being with them. They will not be afraid to trust, they will know what unconditional love feels like. My children will remember what their Dad taught them, to always see things in the most positive light. They will remember the laughter and silliness they had with him, the loyalty he showed them is possible, the charity, we all must learn to cultivate and grow, how important time is, and how we spend it, and they will know they can be themselves and he will love them no matter what. They will know this because he tells them all the time. He not only says, " I love you." But he says, " I love you forever, and no matter what." We notice the small things he does every day for us. We give thanks for his hard work to provide for us. We look forward to all the many more fun times we will have with him. And we love him, forever, and no matter what. I could not be more thankful to have such a wonderful father for my children. Happy Fathers Day, to an incredible father.

1 comment:

  1. such a sweet post and tribute to your man emily! he sounds like such a helpful and fun hubs. you two are definitely perfect together! so many people aren't blessed with such wonderful husbands and fathers for their children. we are truly blessed women! i am thankful every day for an amazing man in my life as well.
