Saturday, June 11, 2011


When our family takes trips to KC, to see the Turano side of our family, Kevin and I always hope to sneak out, at least once, while everyone is sleeping, to hit the town. One of our trips we did this, and we went to a really fun bowling alley / dance club. It was past one am, so the crowd was pretty crazy. It was in a strip of clubs that were packed full of people. The energy was high, the music was awesome, and I love to get dressed up. Kevin and I both love crowds, as long as we don't have to wait in line. We had fun bowling, and making our bets, about who would win the game or loose. I am sure that I lost. Oh well, it was so much fun, that when we saw what looked like something like this going up in Fairview, we were very excited. Time past and we had Will that was born, and I had forgotten about it. When Will was probably four-months old Kevin said he had a surprise date for Brooke and I to go on. He told us to be ready at a certain time and have everything ready, so he could take care of Will while we went. When Kevin took us in the car he blindfolded both Brooke and myself and made us start guessing where he was taking us, while he was driving us there. We were so off on our guesses. When we pulled up to Splitsville Bowling Alley, restaurant, and bar I was shocked, and pleasantly surprised that it was a place we could take our kids, since we had been assuming it would be like the one in KC. When Brooke and I walked in to the Bowling Alley, Kevin had our shoes in the correct size and pizza and ice ream ready for us to eat! Brooke and I had a super fun Mommy / Daughter Date that Daddy planned for us.

We recently went back to Splitsville as a whole family, and we also had the great company of Grandma and Grandpa Pack with us. We were excited to show them such a fun place. It was fun for me because going bowling was something I remember doing as a family when I was a kid. Grandpa Pack has a funny way of bowling, but he is pretty good at it. Kevin is always trying to see how fast he can get the ball down the lane. Kevin won the game, and even got a strike when the red pin was in the front, so he won a " Free Game " card! Will was excited to see all of us throwing balls, since this is one of the things that he likes to do. Once we let him down on the floor, it was over from there, he had to touch everything. We get to do so many fun things with Grandma and Grandpa Pack. Grandpa is always so insistent on paying too. We appreciate it very much. But, Kevin has to make a scene with waiters to let us treat sometimes too.

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