Thursday, June 9, 2011

Grandpa Pack's Favorite Hymns

When we were at Grandma and Grandpa Pack's one day recently, Grandpa had put on a CD of church hymns. I really liked the CD. Dad said he would make me a copy of it, and he did. Will loves music, so when he gets fussy, Brooke and I sing to him. This is the song we started singing to Will three days ago. It is one of Grandpa's favorite hymns.

Because I have been given much, I too must give;

Because of thy great bounty Lord each day I live;

I shall divide my gifts from thee with every brother that I see

Who has the need of help from me?

Because I have been sheltered fed, by thy good care;

I shall not see another's lack and I not share

my glowing fire, my loaf of bread, my roofs safe shelter over head,

that he too may be comforted.

Because I have been blessed, by thy great love dear lord,

I will share thy love again, according to thy word.

I shall give love to those in need, I'll share that love by word and deed:

Thus shall my thanks be thanks indeed.

After we were singing the song, Brooke was on a mission to help those in need. I was very impressed how Brooke is not just a dreamer. Brooke is a dreamer, that actually does. Brooke wants to make her thoughts into reality. There are so many times I want to do good, but I really don't get to it, as often as I would like. I came back from putting Will to nap and Brooke had a bag full of toys that she wanted to give to a little girl that doesn't have any toys. This went on for three days. The third day, she had gotten a box from her collection of cardboard boxes that she keeps under her bed and she had filled the boxes with food. It was so cute, because Brooke had filled the box with cans of olives, pineapple, and green beans. These are all of Brook'es favorite canned foods. Brooke also made the comment, that she knew that if she only chose things she didn't like to give, then it wouldn't mean as much.

I think between Grandpa's favorite hymns, Kevin showing Brooke a program on KERA about India, ( they showed the poverty they live in ) and also the prayers for Uncle Bryant, who is an air force doctor, that is caring for the injured people in Haiti. Brooke understands the luxury she lives in, compared to other countries. We have also mentioned to her about how Uncle Bryant even as a doctor over in Haiti, is sleeping in a tent at night. Crickets crawl all over his legs at night, and he works in a hospital where there is no roof, just walls to separate the patients.

After three days of Brooke talking about giving to the homeless children, we went. Kevin met me after Brooke's swimming lesson and he walked her into the shelter, so that I didn't have to take both kids in. The woman who took the toys was very thankful. I am over-come with joy that Brooke does not take her blessings for granted.


  1. that is so sweet :) brooke is such a sweetheart and its obvious she is being taught well by her parents(and grandparents too) where did she donate them to exactly? samaritan inn? always wondering where we can donate stuff like that! i don't feel as good about donating to good will when they turn around and sell it all.

  2. Brooke is so sweet. I also want to know where you donated your toys. I think that would be a gooD experience for my boys.
