Sunday, June 5, 2011

Having fun, has it's price

I have thrown in the towel when it comes to keeping a perfectly clean house all the time.

You can tell by how messy that our house is on the weekend, how much fun we are having. For those who have known me, and know how much of a perfectionist I can be, this has been a process for me to get to this point. The point where I can just walk out of the house and not look back. Come home to a mess and watch a movie or just hang out without cleaning. After all every mess can be cleaned, and once time is gone, you can never get it back. My closet is still color coordinated. Every item still has an assigned place in my house, but even these items come out for a party on the weekend. I am so glad that I finally realized what Mondays really are for....

I would have paid to hide pictures of my house this messy in the past. It is very embarrassing, but very liberating at the same time. And of course, I wouldn't be me anymore if I didn't have to also include a picture of it on Monday clean.

Now this is documented for my blog book, that it's okay to have a mess. And for all those who think my house is perfect all the time. Don't worry, IT'S NOT!!!!!!


  1. i love that you posted this! i'll have to take a picture this weekend when my house is messy too and post it! (clean today since yesterday was monday and like you, mondays are major cleanup days!) i think we all need to admit to each other that we aren't perfect. i'm like you-i am really a perfectionist when it comes to organizing and cleaning but other things are more important in life. its good to find a happy medium somehow(and you obviously have). i try to clean a little bit every day so it doesn't get too bad, but like you said, weekends just destroy this place!! it looks like a tornado blew through saturday nights-lol. great post!!!

  2. I've never had a perfectly clean house. I decided once though, that as long as everything has a place and can be put away when company comes, or we're done with it, i'm ok. We are getting better at keeping our house clean, but yeah....weekends are for playing and spending time with family. Congratulations on letting loose...I know it's not easy:) We've also decided, that as soon as daddy calls and says he's on his way home....Everything gets put away in time for dinner...we're lucky we have at least 20 min to accomplish this.
