Monday, June 13, 2011

impressive impressions

The last time that someone told me to close my eyes, open my mouth, and guess what they were feeding me, it was an anchovy. The culprit was my older brother Paul. Dad Pack called Kevin one night last week on his way home from work. He said, he was on the way to our house and he had a surprise for him. Dad pulled into the drive way, rolled down the window and said we weren't allowed to look, and we had to guess what we were chewing up! I guess either Kevin had never had an experience quite like mine, or must really trust Dad, because with only trying to get a few hints, he just opened up his mouth and closed his eyes. He couldn't figure out what he was eating, and since I didn't see it, I was not sold on doing this without some sort of description from Kevin. Both Dad and Kevin continued to promise me it wasn't gross. I gave into the fun, and I got the answer right about what it was, on the very first guess. It took me a min. of thinking very carefully about it, and I hit it right on the button! Congratulations 7-11, you did a good job of making chips that taste just like your amazing hot dogs!!!

The funny thing about this is ; I do not know where Kevin gets his dieting tips, but Kevin has had some strange ideas of what could help him loose weight. I am not sure why he would ever think that he needs too, but he does, in certain times of his life go on a diet. He once tried a diet where he only ate food that started with a certain letter for weeks on end. He liked the P's. He only ate pickles, pizza, and Popsicles. Nothing else, until he moved onto the next letter. One of these diet fads was when Kevin decided he would eat nothing else except for 7-11 hot dogs. Kevin truly ate a 7-11 hot dog every single meal, for no less than six months. When I met Major, one of Kevin's very best friends for the first time, he was absolutely floored when he found out that my Dad is a bigwig at 7-11. He told me how much Kevin adored 7-11 and especially their hot dogs. He was very excited for Kevin, thinking that maybe Kevin could someday have a connection and get his very own hot dog grill for his house. The second Christmas that Kevin and I were married, Mom and Dad did as a joke, get him a nostalgic mini hot dog grill.

1 comment:

  1. i like the sound of a "P" diet...i might start one tomorrow :)
