Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Perfect Weekend Trip Revealed

This is our new weekend getaway location being revealed. We made our discovery when we were driving home from KC, and Brooke needed to use the bathroom. Kevin knew of just the place he wanted to check out while we had to stop. The Choctaw Casino and Resort. Brooke and Kevin came back from the car raving about this place. They even went back in with the camera and took pictures, so that I would want to go there too! We went once in Sept. and we went back for Memorial Day weekend. It was Wills first real experience in the pool and he loved it! They play music all day long around the pool, so Will was really dancing in the water and out. We got several comments on how cute he is. Brooke loves the water slide, and the " Cave " with a waterfall coming down it. Brooke, having just finished her second private swimming lesson, was already a pro at swimming. It was very relaxing by the pool all day. They have a huge fish tank there. When we showed it to Will he started being so loud with excitement and laughter, while he pointed at the fish, that is we all started laughing. I guess he gets his love for fish from us. ( We did have a fish on our wedding cake ). Our family loves going to even local hotels, and this one is only an hour away. We stayed in a room right next to the pool and strip of restaurants. We could walk to the pool or to get food, in about fifty feet out the door of our room. Brooke and Kevin had fun in the kids game room at one point. They won stuffed animals, while Will and I got a nap. We had cake, ice cream, and pizza! Brooke was so sad to leave, but we promised we will be going back. We are recruiting other families to go with us. We had plans with Alyssa and Jeremy to go this weekend, but the rooms were already booked up! I guess we aren't the only ones catching onto this resort so close to home. The price is great and it's lots of fun!


  1. looks like you guys had a blast!!!! the best thing about summer is family time & fun little vacations! oh, and the pool of course :)

  2. That looks like so much fun. My boys would love that pool! I love how close it is.
