Saturday, June 18, 2011

My hero, My Father

The tapestry that makes a person what they are, is created by personal experiences. Sometimes in my life, it is hard to separate what part of my personality just came with my individual spirit, or came from adopting some trait, or characteristic as a result, of the Father that I have. I have much to work on in my life, but when I think about my most admirable traits, there is no doubt, they came to me, be by way of example, from my Father. In my life I have never met a man, so humble, and at the same time so eminent. On a daily basis I saw my Father serve his family in every way imaginable. Although I was not born at the time, I have heard of times when he worked night shifts at 7-11 and had a full time job during the day, just so he could better support his family. His efforts and hard work eventually allowed him to support my family more than comfortably. As a child I never saw my Dad ever once buy something for himself. He would wear his shoes until they would wear a hole in them. When the topic of getting himself something more suitable would come up, his answer was always that he was the last person he was worried about buying anything for and he would rather see us have something we would like. Patience, loyalty , enduring to the end, accepting God's Will, and living with optimism, are all actions that everyone can clearly see my Father exhibiting in his life. In times of trial I always know I can count on my Father for the best advise, and though I have not always take his advise, I always know he loves me and accepts me for who I am. The memories I have with my Father are endless. They are all joyous, they are all appreciated, and they will never be forgotten. To have the Father that I have is an amazing blessing. As a child, I thought of my Dad as my hero, and as an adult, I know he really is a true hero, to more than just me, but to my whole family. Happy Father's Day. Thank you so very much for all your sacrifices Dad. I love you so very much.

1 comment:

  1. awwwww...he sounds like an amazing father. hope all the dads in your life have a great father's day tomorrow!
