Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wishes to Walk

WOW, it is hard to believe in just a few weeks William will be turning one-year old! Will is the busiest little baby boy that there ever was. The cutest too, if I do say so myself. From the moment Will wakes up, he has to be on the move. Will loves music and dancing. It is funny because if even a noise like the washer is on, Will starts dancing to the beat of it. If someone turns on a faucet Will hears it and starts dancing. Will is loving to play with Brooke lately. When he wakes up earlier than her, he just starts crawling over to her room, trying to wake up his partner in destruction of our house. They say that smiling makes you instantaneously happier. Well Will for sure makes the happiness factor in our house high. Will's smile is contagious. Will has gotten into climbing, and he is wishing he could walk. He has been taking a step here and there for a few weeks now. Yesterday, Will was trying to go from the couch to coffee table all day long. Today he is getting even braver and is letting go of my leg to try and walk. It wont be long until my little Will can walk! As much work as it will add, we can't wait for him to experience it!!!!


  1. cute video! you are such a great mom.

  2. go will go! hes doing so good! he'll be running around your house before you know it! i love how he crawls over to brooke's room to wake her up-how funny is that?! gotta go and get his partner in crime-lol

  3. I can't believe Will will be 1 in a few weeks. he sounds just like York a mover and a dancer. Cute pics.
