Friday, June 3, 2011

" I really love to dance " Recital

Brooke free-style dances everyday of her life at this point. She asks all day long to turn music on and then she just goes wild with the dance moves. She loves that Will will dance with her too. Brooke's song for her recent dance recital was called, " I really love to dance." This is true for Brooke, but there needs to be an added sentence after I really love to dance. It needs to say, on my own terms and in my own time. Brooke disliked very much to go to dance every week. Once she got there it was fine, she had a great time. But dragging her there was not fun. There were two things that made us stick with the weekly class, all the way up to the recital. The first was that Kevin said, that his Mom always made him stick with whatever sport he was playing until the end of the season whether or not he liked it. He said this would help Brooke learn that she could not quit at things. Also, I did get to see my friend Holly at the classes, which made the getting there bearable, despite the complaints about not wanting to go and the threat to time-out if the complaining did not stop. I did swear to Kevin as the whole ride over to the recital Brooke kept saying, " Why do I have to have a recital? I don't want to go to the recital." That I would not enroll Brooke in dance again until she begged me to do it again. She did like the costume and when she got a trophy and gift from Grandma Pack after the recital, she felt accomplished. Which made me feel accomplished for sticking it out too. Maybe the little hopes to be a scientist/ inventor inside her just seep out, and tell her this is not the path towards first prize in the science fair.


  1. thank you for posting this video! now i can link to it in my post! :) i think its good you guys stuck with it even though it was torture sometimes(cali was the same way on most tuesday mornings too, but once we were there she always had a great time.) i'm glad we finished it and i'm the same-we will NOT do dance again until she is seriously begging me! hahaha. she had fun and learned to listen and follow directions better. even though she complained so much in the car:) they did a great job up there!

  2. cute pictures and video. i wish i could have been there too.
