Thursday, June 23, 2011

Will turns ONE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to my little man! Words can hardly say how happy I am to have you in our family. It is undeniable that your personality is strong. We love your dance moves, your little hands in constant motion, searching for the next thing to grasp, your squeals of happiness, along with frustration, the moments you lay your head on our shoulder, your expression of affection by sticking your fingers in our mouth, and grabbing our noses with your kung fu grip, your moments of ingenuity are impressive, your little smile melts our hearts away. These special times, when we get to carry you in our arms, and fulfill your every need, will always be cherished in our hearts forever. Will turned one-year old today. With in the last week, Will's little steps have turned into a full on run.

We celebrated Williams birthday with both sets of Grandparents at our home. We love that Grandma and Grandpa Turano came in town, just for Will's celebration. I decided to make the theme of Will's Birthday party " Dogs ". The reason for this comes from a little stuffed dog that Grandma Pack bought for Will on one of our trips to the mall, a few months ago. This little dog is the first stuffed animal that Will ever hugged. When ever he is sad, or getting sleepy, Brooke or I, bring it to him and he hugs it. If he sees the dog on the floor he will pick it up and hug it. Brooke and I had fun preparing for the party by setting up the table cloth, blowing up the helium balloons, and her and Grandma Turano prepared the hats. I made Will's cake the night before the party. I did not do this all alone. Kevin mixed the frosting to the color I liked, and Grandpa Pack smoothed the icing, when dropping Brooke off from playing with Grandma Pack. One of the sweetest things about Will's birthday was that Brooke chose three small gifts at Walmart the day before. Brooke wrapped up the gifts one-hundred percent by herself, and then she chose various toys from her own closet that she wanted to give Will as well. She had a big pile of her own toys wrapped up and she was so excited to share with her little brother, on his birthday. Will got to show off his dance moves to his grandparents when Brooke put on the music. Seriously, this little boy loves music and he dances by head banging, moving his hands, and getting on his knees. We sang happy birthday to Will and recorded it on a picture frame, so he will have the recording of us singing to him, for the rest of his life. Brooke helped Will open his presents. Grandpa Turano and Grandpa Pack enjoyed playing with Will's new toy car. Then my sweet baby Will went to bed a little bit older, and very happy. We are all excited about all the new discoveries he will soon make.


  1. happy birthday will!! he is such a cute adorable sweet little guy!! he definitely seems like a go-getter and will accomplish anything he wants in life! :) i love the idea of singing his birthday song and recording it at the same time-what an awesome gift he will have to cherish forever! hope you guys have a great day celebrating today(again since i know you did already:) you were very blessed to be able to have all of your family there for an early celebration too!

  2. Happy birthday will! Love cake. You did a great job. Will is such a cutie.
