Sunday, June 26, 2011

Questions and Answers

I was having a really bad day a few weeks ago. When Mommy is having a bad day, that pretty much means, that everyone in the family is having a bad day. As much as I try to make that not the case, I am not perfect by any means. Grandma Pack took the time that day out of her busy schedule, to take Brooke to get yogurt, with all the candy she loves on top. After getting yogurt they went to the book store, and Grandma got Brooke some books. One book in particular Brooke has become nuts over. She carries it around with her, and talks about it all the time. This book is full of answers about how things work. It ranges in facts about the planets and universe, how a snowflake is made, or how your organs work. Brooke continues to love to learn. She loves to spend time with Grandma too!


  1. that book sounds awesome! and i'm sorry about your bad day(s) :( hope things get better. . .i'm here for you!

  2. Thanks Holly! I am doing much better.

  3. Plus Holly you did help me already. I talked on the phone with you this day and you helped me to feel better.
